We are a network of women from all walks of life who give a damn about wellness...your wellness: MIND BODY & SPIRIT. We are nurses, artists, social workers, stylists, teachers, counselors, yogis, moms, wives, and friends. We are YOU. We exist to: inform, empower and inspire. We believe: laughter fuels life & a good business is a giving business.
Oh, and these essential oils everyone is talking about? They're legit. And we think you'll agree. Essential oils are changing the way individuals & families manage their health by harnessing nature's most powerful remedies. These volatile aromatic compounds provide simple, safe, and cost-effective solutions that support the body's natural ability to restore, renew and rebuild health, energy and vitality at the cellular level. And we'd love for you to experience them. Are you in?
Follow us on social media! We're everywhere. No really. Everywhere.
Not familiar with essential oils? Watch this short clip!
Click above & let us know how we can help you!

Chemical composition and antimicrobial effects of Eucalyptus against E-coli and Staphylococcus in minced beef https://t.co/CmeUzyAnq2
Antimicrobial properties of essential oils from mediterranean aromatic plants against several foodborne bacteria https://t.co/xKb58h52FP
Have an essential oil story to share? Spread the love, YO!