Angie Brewer, Founder of Essentials for You

Angie Brewer, Founder of Essentials for You

Hi beautiful - I'm Angie. One of the hardest things I've been asked to do in this business is write a bio about myself :) I'm serious!...It's so much easier to connect with someone in-person --- to look into someone's eyes and tell them that they deserve to feel good, to be empowered to live a healthier life, and to feel confident in making healthier choices for themselves and their family. But I've never been one to run from here goes:

I was born in the "Gem State" - good ole Idaho. When I was 18, I moved to the great state of Alaska. I met an amazing man, James, who became my rock and life-partner. Together we have been blessed to raise three fantastic children. Alaska was our home for 19 years. In 2016 a new life-adventure was presented to our family so we took the leap and moved to the tropical paradise of Hawaii. We love it here! Beautiful people, beautiful land and amazing opportunity. We are still not quite sure what to think about the lack of snow for Christmas, but I'm certain we will still survive and thrive :)

Besides my extensive "domestic engineering" background and career, my passion is helping people. Helping others achieve wellness in their lives makes my heart happy and full. doTERRA has changed my life for the better: physically, emotionally and financially. And as a mom, I cannot think of a better way to bless other moms' lives than to share this precious gift.

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