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Obligatory Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, but I do play one in my home :)

I'm required to tell you that nothing below has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If it was, they should seriously find a better use of their time. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease -  because by FDA definition, only real doctors and "drugs" can do that. They do however make healthier, happier, stronger and more empowered there's that. Now on to the goods...



Citrus Oils - will uplift and revitalize (try Wild Orange or Lemon)

Floral Oils - will calm and reassure (try Lavender or Roman Chamomile)

Herb & Grass Oils - will comfort and soothe (try Rosemary or Lemongrass)

Mint Oils - will energize and uplift (try Peppermint)

Spice Oils - will renew and revive (try OnGuard - Protective Blend)

Tree Oils - will ground and balance (try Balance - Grounding Blend)

Emotional Aromatherapy System - Six proprietary blends for targeting emotions.



Orange - will transport you to Brazil (sourced from Brazilian groves)

Lemon - will transport you to Sicily (sourced from Sicilian groves)

Lavender - will transport you to France (picking up what I'm putting down?)

PastTense (Tension Blend) - will time-warp that headache


Health & Vitality

Frankincense - will make your cells right

Melaleuca - will keep that cut from becoming a nightmare

OnGuard (Protective Blend) - will throat punch flu season


Pain & Inflammation

Copaiba - will do things that I'm prohibited to speak of

Marjoram - will make you wonder why mom only used it on lamb

Deep Blue (Soothing Blend) - will make you question pain as you know it



DigestZen (Digestive Blend) - will make your gut buy you dinner. Wait what?

Peppermint - will drive in that extra blast of relief


Athletic Performance/Recovery

Breathe (Respiratory Blend) - will make you breathe like an opera singer

Deep Blue (Soothing Blend) - will make your muscles weep with gratitude

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Skin Health/Anti-Aging

Lavender - will soothe skin like a teddy bear soothes a tuckered toddler 

Melaleuca - will make blemishes & imperfections scream in defeat

Rose - will make your mug as soft as a baby's butt

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Hope that was useful! How else can I help?