"I'm not a doctor, but I play one in my home ;)"
Want your own head-to-toe wellness arsenal? Allow me to dish my secrets…with a side of humor. It’s gluten free!
Disclaimer: Any statements made here have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. That catchy logo does not imply diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. However, it could imply nature's miraculous way of supporting the innate wisdom in your body to move you closer to wellness & homeostasis. So there's that.
MY OBJECTIVE - create something I wish I had when I was first introduced to essential oils. It's my desire to make the complicated, simple but significant & easy enough for a sleep-deprived mom to understand. Because I WAS ONE. Who am I kidding...I still AM ONE!
MY STYLE - cut through the essential oil hype and dish it straight. 11 years in government health care policy & planning will do that to a person’s style ;) I'll teach you the essentials (see what I did there?) – and leave you with the tools necessary to become a more informed & healthy YOU.
MY APPROACH - not the norm, because frankly, I don't have the time (nor dare I admit, desire) to attend another home party or class. And I know I'm not alone. My goal is to bring a high value class experience DIRECT to you ON YOUR TERMS...maybe even in your PJs :)